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      Alina's Story         "The Awakening"








If you have listened to my first you tube introductory video on the SoulSource72 channel, you would know that my awakening into the journey of the soul inexplicably started when I walked through the door of the Ann Frank House in Amsterdam. From that point forward my life changed.



I was barely inside that townhouse and yet the soul-to-soul connection that happened could only be described as miraculous as it set me on a path which enabled me to heal the many wounds that I carried with me from my parents extraordinary Holocaust devastations. 



When I entered the Ann Fran House, all I could see were the walls decked with photos of the most inhumane acts humanity had perpetrated on itself. It would seem incongruous to receive healing from a place with so much pain and yet that is precisely what happened.



There were the extraordinary messages that came forth which would be compiled and would come to be known as The Voice of the Soul. A highlight of all of these, is the 12 commandments for Creating a Life-Giving Civilization. There were the amazing musical compositions s with the deep heartfelt messages that came through. There was the pain transmutation guided meditation to cleanse the human body of its pain. From all this came The Divine Manifesto.



All of these messages came from beyond, from the souls of the departed who experienced hell on earth but came to deliver a message of pure pristine hope and possibility, letting us know that there is a way; that there is a purpose to enable humanity to heal and recover and create greatness for the essence of Who We Are since it is Our Soul that is created in the image of the Greatest of All.



So, this is how my journey began. This is how my soul began to awaken to its own greatness. A greatness that lays asleep, begging for awakening, in the heart of each and every one of us.



Bear in mind that this awakening started its ascent in the late nineties. I only shared these experiences with a select few. I have been compelled, at this moment in time, to compile and share the lessons and messages and through the SoulSource72 YouTube channel. No matter how incredulous some of these experiences may seem, they all happened exactly as described.



It would often take me years to truly grasp the depth and extraordinary revelations that lay in the seemingly simple word of the messages.


In the meantime, my journey had begun and it sparked a curiosity and a desire to know more. Prior to the time that I had walked through the portals of the Ann Frank House, I never considered anything more than what existed in the physical realm. I had never studied or read any literature or spoken to anyone who was conversant with the concept that existence was more than the physical lifeforms that we are. The idea of the soul was not only foreign to me but after my Ann Frank house experience, I found myself looking around the shelves of booksellers and found very little printed matter on the concept of the soul at that time.





After the Ann Frank House, my exploratory journey had begun.
One of my very first outings were participating in a class at what was the equivalent of the Learning Annex called First Class. This class was conducted by an author that had written a book on aura readings. The class was supposed to teach us how to see and read people's auric field.



To explain, an aura is the energetic field surrounding each and every one of us.  For most people it remains unseen unless one is trained to see it.  I didn't really know what any of this was about but for some reason, it resonated enough for me to attend the class.



What happened next was unbelievable.



In a nutshell this is how the instructor author trained the class to see auras. He asked each of us to stand against a white wall.  Then he would direct our attention slowly and carefully, heightening our visual experience, so that we could begin to see what he saw. Apparently, the white wall brings the auric field colors into greater focus.



He explained that auras come in different colors and shades. For example, a green aura normally belongs to a person who is a caretaker. Someone who looks after others whether professionally or personally.  People with green auras are normally attracted to certain professions such as nursing social work etc.  People with blue auras are more cerebral and right brain oriented and are normally attracted to professions such as accounting book keeping etcetera. He indicated that the auric field around a person could be very clearly delineated which indicated that they were deeply established in that particular characteristic or an auric field could be feathery or jagged and therefore less delineated which would indicate that the individual is much less established in the qualities of their auric field. So, a feathery green, as an example, would belong to someone who had some caring tendencies but was not one totally invested in this quality.



He also indicated that a white auric field was seldom of ever seen much less a white auric field that was firmly delineated. He said that the latter belonged to a highly evolved transcended master which was extremely rare if ever seen.



So, one by one, each person in the class stood against the wall and gradually over time the class would call out the color that they saw against that wall in unison. The next person would stand up and again people would call out the auric color in unison. The members of the class were, for the most part, simultaneous in calling out the same colors. I was having a hard time seeing the auric colors. So much so that my teacher became frustrated with my inability and jokingly said that I probably didn't have an aura. This left me in a quandary.  Why was I having so much trouble?



Then it became my time to stand up against the white wall. I was feeling pretty vexed to say the least. What



My teacher, who had called me out moments before, secured a chair from the classroom and brought it to the front of the class and asked me to sit down in front of the whole class. I was really feeling uneasy. I thought, what have I done now, haven't I disappointed him enough but what was about to unfold was something out of a movie script.



The teacher who had called me out moments before began to prostrate himself, bowing face down to the floor before me. What he was seeing was a pristine white auric field with perfect delineation surrounding me. No one was more astounded than he was. I was just perplexed. What did it all mean?



As I was to learn, this was a rarer then rare happening indicating a highly evolved master walking the earth plane. As I write these words, shivers are sent down my whole body. Bear in mind, that after the Anne Frank House and this experience, I was still very much in the infancy of my awakening.



What did it all mean? 






Slowly I came to recognize that our soul has a consciousness that defies logic as it can transcend time, space and distance. It is the all-knowing part of us and to be clear it is our soul that is having a human experience rather than the other way around.




So, as I was continuing on my awakening journey, I found myself at a Baltimore conference with a gathering of people. At this gathering I remember some people casually mentioning a convention in California which integrated business practices with spirituality.



These casual words thrown out by random people resonated so strongly that despite all logic I found myself gravitating to that California conference after I had finished with other matters in a different part of California. I knew no one at the conference nor did I know much about the conference itself and yet I was compelled to go there. But it wasn't the cerebral part of me that compelled me. I would learn that it was the soul part of me that knew no boundaries and could reach across galaxies that was guiding my seeming compulsion.




So, I traveled to northern California knowing no one and knowing very little about this conference except the few words that I had heard at the conference in Baltimore. When I appeared at the conference doors, it was as though it was a pre-ordained happening. Upon my arrival, the gate keeper welcomed me with open arms as though he had been waiting me. I would later learn that the cost of the conference which went on for one week cost the attendees some $5000, excluding the hotel and food accommodations, but I was never asked a penny.



More revelations were to come my way as an attendee at this conference. This was but one of many examples evidencing how our brilliant and all-knowing soul that can guide our paths effortlessly and traverse time space and distance, if we would but listen.



There were approximately 250-300 or so people attending this conference. In order to place us in another worldly or spiritual mindset that would alternately be the underpinning of the business portion of this conference, we were encouraged to engage in a number of mind opening experiences.



One of these experiences stands out in my memory for its very unique and unusual consequences.



There was a conference instructor in front of this group of some 250-300 people who directed us to pair up with someone and place our arms out horizontally in front of our partner. The job of the partner was to push the arms down of the person in front of them. Each of us would take turns and the other person would put their arms out while the previous person would attempt to push down their outstretched arms. The purpose of this exercise was to connect ourselves with the strength of our auric field.



I'm 5'2'"and my partner was about 6' tall, a big guy. He put his arms out horizontally and I proceeded to push his outstretched arms down. Then it was my turn. I put my arms out and he proceeded to try and push my horizontally outstretched arms down. He tried and tried and tried but didn’t push them down. At first, I thought he was just being polite but something was about to happen which completely dissuaded of that belief.



The conference instructor than asked all of the people whose outstretched arms had not been pushed down to come stand in front of the conferees. There were about 7 of us who went up in front of the conference hall.



Then the instructor asked each of the seven to stretch out their arms again. He went to each attendee and one by one, he would press on their out stretched arms. He went to attendee one and pushed their arms down; then he went to attendee two and successfully pushed their arms down. Then he went to attendee three and so on and so forth successfully pressing and collapsing   each of their arms except for one attendee. You guessed it; it was me. I was the only one left standing whose arms he could not push down.



I was beyond perplexed. What did this mean? It took decades for me to understand what the message from this experience was. It is clear that as a 5'2" female weighing in at 120 pounds who had never engaged in strength or weight draining, that this could not have been about my physical strength. What I came to understand was that there exists a formidable force unseen to the average naked eye which is more powerful that any physical being.






I was living in New York at the time. A friend shared the details of her husband's illness. She mentioned that she sought information from an intuitive in Israel. So here she was, an ocean away, seeking an intuitive’s guidance in Israel. It was the early stages of her husband's illness and she wanted to know what was truly at the heart of his weakened state. The intuitive told her with precision and clarity that her husband had cancer. He also told her where the cancer was lodged. Armed with this information, specific medical tests were performed and indeed they all validated the intuitive’s information.



When I heard this, my interest was piqued to the tenth degree. So, I asked her if it were possible for me to speak with him. Her reply was that he seldom spoke to just anybody and that it was highly unlikely. Apparently, she had special connections that led her to him.



Not long after, I will never forget, it was the day before of our holiest day of the year, Yom Kippur.  I received the phone call.  The medical intuitive was calling me from Israel.  Somehow, when my friend mentioned me to him, the mention of my person resonated so strongly that he had to connect with me.



We proceeded to have a lengthy deep and satisfying conversation. Ultimately, he informed me that he had never before met a soul older than his own but he was now speaking to such a soul. He described the age of my soul as being in the vicinity of 260,000 years old. This was some 15 years ago,



Bear in mind that all of these bits and pieces of information came trickling down piece after piece as part off of a humongous puzzle. These bits of information would often be separated by months or years. I never really confronted the whole picture until these writings which forced me to codify my experiences into one place.



So, from my perspective I wasn't actually seeing the whole picture I was just experiencing pieces of my puzzle, one fragment at a time.






As I was awakening, more and more exceptional experiences crossed my path. During the period when I was living in Manhattan, I happened to have been speaking to a friend who had spoken to the manager for the artist known as Peter Max. He shared the fact that Peter Max's wife was anorexic and Peter was extremely worried about her. In his attempt to help her, he came across Dr. Eric Pearl's book, the Reconnection. Peter Max believed that Dr. Pearls information could help his wife.



The very second, I heard the name Dr. Eric Pearl I resonated so strongly that I was compelled to meet him. This a perfect example of how the all-knowing soul can guide the unknowing physical humane mind to go in a direction it was meant to go which it did not know it was meant to go as you will see. In order for the soul to guide us in the perfection of human existence, it is vital that the being surrender to its soul, hear its voice and follow its exquisite and perfect guidance and know the difference between its guidance and the mind's misguidance.



The next thing I knew I was speaking to a girlfriend in Washington DC who was sharing the fact that she was experiencing mental depression. I suggested Dr Eric Pearl's book. Within a very short amount of time, I received a call from my girlfriend who informed me that when she purchased this book, she learned that Dr. Pearl would be holding a conference in Washington DC. The path was clear. I would be attending this conference.



As usual, miracles that are disguised as everyday events, are with us every moment. I attended the workshop which ran from Friday night to Sunday evening. It was intended to train us to heal the medical ailments of others with potent unseen energy forces. As in all these modalities, the person is not the healer, rather the individual is the instrument through which the energies flow. Many people are familiar with Reiki. Doctor Pearl indicated that the energetic forces that we would connect with would be infinitely more powerful than reiki.
This is what happened next.



When the conference ended Sunday and we had all gone through the training, Doctor Pearl told us that within the next week or so we would be called upon to use these healing energies that we had tapped into during our training. I remember being a bit skeptical about   that although I felt the training to be very powerful. In fact, on the Friday evening which commenced the training, we were in a huge hotel conference room filled with several hundred people. I will never forget how the floor shook and rumbled beneath my feet as though it was filled with enormous energy. It almost felt as though it was in motion. No doubt it was a portent of things to come.



Within days after the end of the conference my aging father, who was living with me, stopped eating and no matter what I did, I couldn't get him to eat, so I called his internist who asked me to take him to George Washington University hospital for testing on an outpatient basis. I was by his side while they performed a battery of tests in the ER. When they were done with the tests, I figured I had some time to kill so I decided to do Dr Pearl's energy healing on my dad. What happened next, was beyond believable.



As soon as I was finished doing the healing on my dad, I attempted to converse with him. I noticed that he was unresponsive. I tried talking to him, nudging him but I couldn't get any response out of him and he was barely breathing. I finally got to the point where I asked one of the nurses to see what was going on but she found him equally unresponsive. She ran to get another nurse and then a supervising nurse brought a series of doctors.



By that time, it was 1:00 AM, in the morning, I left for home as the physicians decided to check dad into the hospital. All the way home I was getting calls from the hospital's doctors, in effect, asking me what was going on with my dad since he was barely breathing, not asleep, nor awake nor was he in a coma. 


The last call I received from the hospital was from a neurologist who was asking me a series of questions. I finally explained to her that I had performed something on my dad which was similar to Reiki and I specifically likened it to Reiki because I knew the hospital was engaged in performing various healings using Reiki. As soon as I told her this, all the calls stopped.



The next morning, I called the hospital and I spoke to the floor nurse. Bear in mind that my dad had been brought in to the hospital due to the fact that he had stopped eating for quite a time. I asked her how my dad was doings and this was her response; she said that he was joking and flirting with all the nurses and had eaten all the food on his tray.



What did the discharge papers state? George Washington's amply qualified medical staff concluded that my dad (after the Reconnective healing) had been in an "altered state of consciousness " for some 10 hours, the result of which was the physiological healing that occurred which enable my dad to resume food consumption and return to balance.



Years later, I would perform Reconnective healing on my daughter. She had been riding downhill on her bicycle without a helmet at a fair speed only to find herself sprawled on the pavement. There was a 2–3-inch protruding gash in her skull. Through the grace of the Reconnection, I performed a healing. Within a day or so I felt the area with my hand and simply could not believe what I experienced. I could barely find any indication of a gash. I had to question whether or not it was ever there but of course it had been there but virtually disappeared.






As a result of having undergone the re connective workshop as well as having undergone the reconnection process itself, I discovered that during the time that I was administering the healing energies on various persons, that information came through about their medical conditions. I would place my hands above their body without ever touching them and I would have a pen and pad alongside the individual.  Medical information would come through such as heart congestion, ovarian cysts, breast lumps, arterial blockages in a never-ending stream of varied medical conditions.



 When this information started to come through, I was initially reticent. My mind would question the information coming through but without fail, the individuals would validate this information themselves or they would return with a confirmed physician's report. As in the example of a young girl in her late teens who presented herself with serious uterine and ovarian issues. She was so young that I instinctively wanted to reject this information. However, she validated the messages I received, and told me that she had been having extensive medical testing and evaluations performed to correct these issues. I finally learned to ignore my mind and simply allow the information to come through no matter how unlikely it seemed to appear to be because it was coming from a power and source untied to my limited human mind.






As described, it was through osmosis that I had carried the angst and the burden of my parent’s disastrous Holocaust losses for so many years until something unusual happened.



At this point I had gone through the experience of the Ann Frank house, the auric reading class, the Palm Springs spiritual business conference, the Reconnection as well as the Israeli intuitive.I was living in Manhattan and a friend of a friend mentioned that there was a couple, if memory serves, from Sweden who came to bring healing. My soul guided me to connect with them.



The couple's message was that they, along with the vast majority of humanity, were living lives of quite angst and desperation. They searched the world over to discover how one could free oneself of one's mortal pain. Like so many walking the earth, they   had been conditioned to deny and suppress their pain. That suppression only leads to numbness and either internal and or external explosions known as rage or violence. Of course, there are those who use alcohol, drugs, sex and any number of things to dull the ache, even for a moment; to get a temporary high, in one's futile attempt, to temporarily exchange the pain for the pleasure. 



In my case, I was not only carrying the pain of my own existence but this was compounded by the tragic and painful experiences of each of my parents. So not only was I carrying the pain of simply being alive in human form but my parent’s Holocaust disasters which quadrupled the intensity of the pain I was carrying, so I fully understood what they were talking about. Until that moment, my daily life was very painful.



The couple   told us about their explorations and   wanderings all around the world which led them to a spot in India. It was there that they received what was known as Diksha. It was the laying of hands above the head sometimes touching sometimes not performed with the express purpose of connecting the dissonant energies within our brain and elsewhere in our bodies and bringing them into harmony. To put it another way, the ultimate objective was to heal the pain.



During the second gathering, in which there were about a 100 people, this is what transpired. Each one of us sat in a chair seated next to others with rows and rows of people in close proximity to one another.



  There were 2 two individuals going around the Room giving what is known as Diksha. After I received the Diksha, I could only describe it as another worldly experience. I saw energies swirling around me while my eyes were closed; pools of extraordinary colors; indescribable rich vibrant pools of energy which rooted me to the spot. It was as though the Earth had moved under my feet and the vibrations were swirling around me. The experience was beyond intense and long after every single person had left the Room, I was rooted to the spot, immobilized in my chair.



Eventually and gradually, I came in to the present moment and back to earth and its realities. In the days, weeks, months and years that followed, I experienced a transformation that I could never have imagined was possible. The pain that I had been carrying, like a boulder around my neck, had somehow dissipated. Experiences that would have left me devastated now were experienced more as a flicker crossing my mind. It was nothing short of a miraculous transformation.



Something had drastically changed.






One summer a friend of mine invited me to her Fire Island Summer home. There were about 6 of us. One of her guests was her dear friend who had special and unique spiritual abilities. He once shared with me, that when he went into a room full of people, he almost always was reluctant to do so because he would invariably see the spirit beings connected to each individual in the room.  It was an overwhelming experience. For that reason, he tried to avoid large groups of people.



One evening we were all relaxing after dinner, and he decided., at the urging of our hostess, I’m sure, to give readings. I took the opportunity to shower since I had been to the beach. Next thing, I heard a knock on the bathroom door in the middle of my shower. I was asked to please come upstairs to participate in the reading. I was somewhat reluctant since I was in the middle of a shower but the insistent voice nudged me to get dressed and participate.



I obligingly sat down in front of the friend, giving the reading. He had particularly sought me out as it turned out. This is what he told me. He said he was guided by his spirit guides who were showing him a vast space the size of an airline terminal. He told me that my spiritual function on earth was to assist humanity: that my very physical presence was enough to advance spiritual consciousness where ever I was. There was nothing I had to do. I simply needed to be present and just go about my daily life. Oh, and that vast airline terminal, that was the size of my auric field.



So, on this spiritual awakening journey I learned what the color of my auric field was (pure white); it’s distinct delineation (precise); its age, some 260,000 years old; its size.  the size of an airline terminal; its strength, couldn’t be tackled by a 6' tall male. I was about to receive some more information.






 I also came to recognize that the ability to intuit medical information was most likely dormant within us just waiting to be realized. I suspect that this somehow flows from our all-knowing soul.



As I look back in time, I have come to realize that years before I began my spiritual journey, I was being guided by the knowledge within my soul. Here are just some examples.



I can remember when I gave birth for the second time, I found that I was unusually fatigued. After having been bedridden for that the greater part of the pregnancy and suffering a major hemorrhage and thereafter giving birth, my body didn't behave in the same way that it had pre pregnancy. Information came to me that I had a case of what was then known as Epstein Barr Syndrome now called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.



I contacted my internist and asked him to give me whatever tests that he deemed   necessary in order to establish whether or not I had this condition. He called me with the results only to tell me that it was negative. However, I distrusted the information I was receiving so I asked him to provide me the lab results. Indeed, the lab results proved that I was in fact positive for this condition. When I asked my internist why he was ton truthful with me, he indicated that the medical community could do nothing to help me so he thought it was best for me not to know. Of course, had I accepted this determination. I would have been robbed of the opportunity to seek alternative treatments. In fact, I was intuitively led to those alternative treatments and have led a fairly routine and normal life as long as I adhere to the principles to which I was guided through my soul’s wisdom. Whenever I would deviate from these principles, the fatigue would recur, so I knew I had found the solution.



Another example occurred when my second child was born. At age 3 months, I noticed that his behavior was unusual. He was exhibiting a kind of laughter for want of a better description. The intuitive information I received was that he had spinal meningitis. I called his pediatrician at approximately 8 PM that very night and told him that my child had spinal meningitis. Fortunately, he took my admonition very seriously and had me come right over. He examined my 3-month-old baby and confirmed that I needed to take him to the hospital instantly. A spinal tap was performed and indeed my baby was diagnosed with spinal meningitis.



On yet another occasion, I was talking to my Uncle who lived in Israel. He was in his seventies. I instantly received my sol guided intuitive information during that phone call that he had a serious cardio issue. He was in the seventies and had been given nitroglycerin sub lingual tablets but nothing else. Somehow or other I convinced him to come to the states to visit me. Within a few days of his arrival, he began to experience cardiovascular symptoms so I took him to the hospital where it was confirmed that he had major arterial blockages in four of his arteries. They performed a quadruple bypass on him and he lived for another 15 plus years after traveling back to Israel.



As another example, I was speaking to my former mother-in-law. During that conversation I received information that she was in serious medical trouble. I proceeded to convene a number of doctors on her behalf. As a result of their examination, it became apparent that she was taking a number of contraindicated medications prescribed by various doctors and that the interaction of these various medications was having a very serious debilitating effect on her health causing a rapid deterioration of her physical and mental wellbeing. A soon as these medications were changed or eliminated, she bounced back and eventually lived to a ripe old age into the nineties.



As another example, my son, who was approximately 3 years old, was not enunciating his words very clearly to my ear. I took him to the number one rated speech pathologist in the nation's capital. She took him through a battery of tests and examinations and concluded that everything was in perfect order. I begged to differ, and as a result I took him to my personal ear, nose and throat practitioner. He was placed in a booth with special hearing equipment and it became apparent, that in fact, he was not hearing properly, which thereby caused his speech impediment that I could clearly hear but which seemed to elude the speech pathologist.  The ear nose and throat physician recommended a fairly routine surgical ear tube procedure which reversed his hearing loss and eliminated the speech impediment.






                          The Moses Connection



A number of months ago, I participated in a past life regression session. The visions I saw took me back to a time when I was a beam of light moving effortlessly through the galaxies. It was a glorious and joyful, freedom filled experience; one wherein I was unbounded by the constraints of a physical body and all its limitations. It felt like freedom beyond freedom. I could appear anywhere at any given moment traversing the physical hemispheres faster than the speed of light. Information and communication existed beyond the constraints of the word; were pulsating energy systems that shared information instantly and completely; bursts of light merging and sharing information about anything and everything; powers beyond the realms of physical boundaries; totally exhilarating!




I eventually found   myself taken down to the earth plane   as I took shape in human form in various bodies.



My guide throughout this past life regression asked me questions and gently nudged me to experience and recall various lives. He directed me to Mount Sinai and asked what I saw. I saw a man with flowing robes, long wavy hair and wavy long beard with a staff overseeing herdsman, sheep and various animals and others. It was an open flat dusty land of considerable open space.



Before this regression, I had been having visions of Moses which continued after the regression. Was I seeing myself as Moses or was I seeing Moses from someone else’s vantage point?



It would be many months after this experience when I would come upon a book entitled 2012 and the Galactic Center, The Return of the Great Mother. The author explored a number of topics and one of them held the question about Moses and the tablets.



The author stated that when Moses returned from atop the mount and brought the tablet containing the Commandments to the Israelites, he saw that the Israelites had erected a golden calf. This prompted him to hurl the tablets to the ground shattering them. Moses returned to the Mount and eventually returned with new tablets. The question the author posed, which was a question, I too, had fleetingly pondered was,




” were these new commandments different from the first set due to the fact that G-D had decided that humans were not ready to control their own lives?




As I write these words on my computer,it is interesting to note that my computer is placing the text on the page from RIGHT to LEFT. Hebrew and other ancient languages are both read and written from right to left unlike Western text which is read and written from left to right. Western computers, like the one I’m typing on, are programmed to write from left to right rather than the other way around. Yet at

this moment, my computer is behaving as though it were writing ancient text having moved backward (literally writing backwards) in time writing in the format that ancient languages used during the time of this just a coincidental technical glitch that just happened to occur with this writing or is this a sign that that which is written here is truth?



Could the twelve Commandments I received after exiting the Ann Frank House be the first commandments Moses received?




In addition to the above, I found myself receiving a vision of being inside Moses’ coffin. The inside coffin walls had a fairly deep relief as though the coffin were made of some stone like substance.




There is much mystery surrounding Moses’s death and burial. Some say he was buried on Mount Nebo. Others believe he was buried in the nearby valley. Moses was 120 years old with still vibrant vision and vigor at his passing. But it is all conjecture as to where his burial place exists. It appears that G-d did not want the specific place to be made known to avoid it becoming an idolized shrine.




The vision however, made me pause. I have always understood that Jewish burial coffins were made of plain pine or like wooden materials that would easily disintegrate into the earth in order to fulfill the adage “from dust to dust”. The vision I received seemed to go against current Judaic belief: the operative word here is “current “. Once more, this mystery eluded me until yesterday (1/17/21). Here is an excerpt from the Jewish virtual library;




“Archaeology reveals no distinctively Israelite burial practices during almost the whole of the biblical period…. the tomb most typical of the Israelite period is a natural cave or a chamber cut into soft rock, Bodies would be laid on rock shelves provided on three sides of the chamber.”




If one extrapolates from the above, stone and stone slabs were not uncommon burial materials. Since Moses was one of the most esteemed and revered figures of all time, then perhaps the image in the vision of a “coffin” composed of an engraved stone like material may not have been as unlikely as I initially thought. But all this raises more questions in my mind. Why did my past life regression take me to Moses? Why did I receive the Twelve Commandments after exiting the Anne Frank House and why was I taken into the engraved stone-liked coffin of Moses? Why did I receive all this information? What does it mean?




On February 12, I had finished writing the above and within minutes, I received a call from an Israeli, who, as it happened, had been named after Moses’s nephew Sitamarhi. He“happened” to mention that on this day (2/19/21) Moses’s was both born and passed. So here I am, having written the above about Moses, and on the very day I am concluding my writing, within a space of minutes, I find myself engaged in a conversation with someone who informs me that on this very day in time, Moses was both born and died. I checked this information out and as you can see from the below quote from today, this day is indeed Moses’s birthday and date of death.




Jewish Calendar




To view Shabbat Times click here to set your location




Friday, February 19, 2021




7 Adar, 5781 (12/7/5781)

Jewish History




Moses' Birth & Passing (1393 and 1273 BCE)




Moses was born in Egypt on the 7th of Adar of the year 2368 from creation (1393 BCE) and passed away on his 120th birthday -- Adar 7, 2488 (1273 BCE)


Is this all just a coincidence? The computer typing from right to left when I wrote about my past life regression centered around Moses, as it would, when writing Hebraic or ancient texts, finding myself, in vision, inside the Moses’s engraved stone coffin and then being informed that the very day I conclude my writings about Moses just so happened to be Moses’s birthday and day of death. Is this all just a coincidence? Come to your own conclusions.








The first time I remember seeing visions was when I went into a very deep meditative state and visions just poured forth sometime around 2008.



Those visions were very abundant. I painted a number of them some of which came together in one painting which I came to call the Golden Vision Painting. In this painting, there was Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Angelic script, a symbol of Catholicism represented by Mary and a messianic figure lying in repose awaiting its awakening who was surrounded by what I could only describe as spirit beings.



The figure of Mary was burning. What I received from this image was that Catholicism would be under extreme assault and that Catholicism would figurative and literally be burning to the core.



Indeed during the period of radical Islam, Catholicism was under extreme assault as both churches and Catholics were burned or put to death. In 2020, we heard little about the cathedrals and the churches burning in Mozambique, in the Middle East and all over the United States as well as in other parts of the world. Very little is said about it but it is happening and this vision, depicted in the painting, seemed to foretell what would occur.



A few years ago, I received a vision wherein a tablet was shown me with a very specific date. In addition to the tablet, I also saw men in turbans, one of which had horns. On the day written on the tablet, I was vacationing in Wildwood New Jersey and it was on that very day that three terrorist attacks occurred one of which was not too far from Wildwood New Jersey. These 3 terrorist attacks carried out on the same day, as written on the tablet, on US soil, were, in fact committed by Islamist terrorists as represented by the men in turbans seen in in the vision. The one man with a turban and horns represented the evil inclination in such extremist terrorist that wanted to harm innocent people on US soil.


Last year on Rosha Shana in September 2019, the Jewish New Year, I was washing up to prepare to go to the synagogue for the service.  I was washing in my half inch thick tempered glass bathroom sink bowl as I had done for many years but something extraordinary happened. Somehow on its own this thick tempered glass bowl splintered into a million pieces without harming me at all. It would be a portent of the year to come as everything that we held dear would splinter into a million pieces. Our economy, our universal health, our ability to socialize, our ability to do ordinary tasks such as shopping for food and other shopping, everything would be splintered into a million pieces as a consequence of COVID-19.


In September of 2020, I found myself again in Wildwood New Jersey during the Jewish New Year followed by Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur follows the Jewish New Year and it is the holiest day in Judaism. It is a day of atonement in which we acknowledge our wrong doings and atone towards others and G-d.


  Due to COVID, the service was done on zoom while I was outdoors. The service ended at sun down. When I looked up against the dark night sky, I saw what appeared to be a very large letter M written in a blackish charcoal.


The M or mem in Hebrew signifies water and the messiah. According to learned Judaic scholars including Rabbit Mendel Kessen, the initial period of the Messianic age is likely to usher in significant global turbulence. The question then becomes, when would this period begin. Did this Mem (representing the Messiah) signal that it has begun?


There is a belief that due to the wickedness, lack of ethics and morality and the abject rejection of G-d in the world, that The Creator is signaling that the end of times is upon us. The “end of times" does not mean an apocalyptic destruction of humanity but rather an end to existence " as we know it “: a return to peace and love and the ultimate love of G-d, our creator. In fact, at some point in latter part of the messianic age, humanity will shed its human form and revert to the light beings we innately are. However, in the early stages of this awakening, chaos and turbulence will engulf the world.



Let it be known that the room I was occupying during my stay in Wildwood NJ, during both Rosha Shana (the Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (the day of atonement) where I participated in my synagogue's zoom service, was room 214.I didn't choose it, it was given to me. The gematria of 214 is 7 which is formulated by adding these digits (2+1+4).The number 7 is the  most powerful number in Judaism which signifies symbolic union ,completeness ,creation, good fortune and blessing etc..


This would make sense since the ultimate result of the messianic age is precisely this., union with G-d, which thereby results in a feeling of completeness as goodness overflows.


The gematric value of the day that I came to understand the significance of the visions in my painting titled, The Golden Vision Painting (which featured the metaphorically asleep  messianic figure awaiting awakening etc.) was on the 28th day of November which gematric value equals the number 3 (11/28=1+1+2+8=3).In Judaism, the number 3 represents harmony .It represents a merging of opposites to create a new harmonious entity. Could this underscore and portend that a messianic figure is to usher in a merging of universal divisions and opposites to create a unity and harmony of oneness?



Is it also a coincidence that the day I saw the vision of the mem (which signifies the Messiah) in the night sky that its gematric value equals 1? It was September 28 so 9+2+8=19=1+9=1.The Messiah represents ultimate oneness as it is the Messiah’s role to create oneness and eliminate humanity’s divisions.



There would appear to be a number of validations that the messianic age is upon us and that therefore the portents and visions described above as well as those which were captured in the Golden Vision Painting are all signaling this. To recap:



  1. Bethlehem was an image in the vision painting which is the birthplace of the messianic seed




2. Jerusalem which is depicted in the painting, is the spiritual, ancestral homeland of the Jews. It is the city where, it is believed, the messiah will gather all of its people.



3. The day on which the above realizations occurred vis a vis the significance of the images in the visionary painting, painted ten years ago, had a gematric value of one which represents divinity and oneness. The messiah’s mission is to return us to the oneness of the Divine.



4. I received the vision of the m or the Hebrew alphabetic the messiah’s the night sky at the conclusion of the 2020 Yom Kippur service. In Hebrew, this letter represents the messiah.




         5.The day on which I received the vision in the night sky was the identical day I received the meaning of the visions painted 10 years ago or the  28th of the month which has a  gematric value of one (2+8=10//1+0=1).



Typically gematria involves letters with their corresponding numerical values. Each numerical value, in turn, has a significance such as described in the above numbers 7,3 and 1. In the above instances, since numerical dates were involved, I was guided to go directly to the numerical values of such dates.






About seven years ago, I participated in a group Akashic Records gathering lead by Bill Sandal. The Akashic Records are described as being the energy field of each soul’s spiritual records; something like the internet for the unseen realm but containing detailed recordings of each person’s thoughts, words and actions over multiple lifetimes. On the Jewish Yom Kippur, an individual has the ability, through certain actions, to nullify the harmful thoughts, words and actions of the prior year that were recorded in the realm of the unseen records. I bring this up to add further validity to the concept of the Akashic records.




Bill studied with many respected spiritual masters helping to bring the messages of the Akashic Records to the untrained.



In this gathering, Bill held the space for the gathered, thereby creating an energetic environment whereby the untrained could be assisted in accessing past or present life information about themselves from the Akashic records.




We were guided into stillness gently entering into these unseen realms. Each individual experienced their own unique journey. The visions that I saw were a most ornate, gilded crown atop a male’s head and the information “priest” which I understood to mean priest king. The fact that this king wore such an ornate gilded crown was an important piece of information. Who was this priest king?




My online and other searches yielded no information initially. There were the Mayan priest kings but they wore no “crowns” per se. The Egyptian priest kings wore head dresses but nothing discernable or in any way comparable to the vision of the crown I saw. Over the years I would continue my search but came out empty handed until a few days ago. I am writing this on February 15, 2021.It is interesting to note that at this juncture in time, when I have been compelled to set my experiences down in writing, that information that previously eluded me such as the Gold Visions Painting images, suddenly came through as it did with this mystery.





The information I finally received was that the Israelite crowns most closely resembled the crown I was shown; that there was only one biblical “priest” king and it was Melchizedek, priest king of Salem. (i.e. {Jeru}Salem). He was both King and priest connected to Jerusalem and revered by Abraham’. Ancient Aramaic interpretive translations identify Melchizedek as, Shem, son of Noah.





But who was he exactly, what was his significance and why was this revealed to me? I know with near certainty that at the appointed time, all will be revealed.





I wrote the above caption a long while before writing about the subject in the title. I questioned why I had even written it down and when it came time to write about it, I imagined it would be a brief description of events and that would be that there took me on a most unexpected journey into realms I never conceived.





For those unfamiliar with the above caption, “remote viewing” is defined by Wikipedia as

‘…the practice of seeing impressions about a distant or unseen target, purportedly “sensing” with the mind”.




According to;



“…in 1995, the CIA released a report conducted by the independent American Institutes for Research, which acknowledged the U.S. government’s long-rumored work with remote viewing for military and intelligence purposes.




To put this in lay terms, one can be physically located in one location, but be able to “view” images and or places in another part of the world. This “viewing” normally occurs in present time”, i.e., objects and or places are viewed at the time the remote viewer is viewing them. As an example, if a viewer is viewing a a city scene on Monday at 12 noon, the viewer would see what was occurring with that city scene on Monday at 12 noon.




Something far more unusual happened to me.




 My guide was a gentleman who had been trained by the U.S. military in the field of “remote viewing”. He was therefore highly qualified in the art of remote viewing. I had heard about remote viewing from a group gathering where this gentleman was speaking. This spurred my curiosity so when this opportunity presented itself with him, I went for it.




First, he and I went into meditative state. His computer gauged the frequency of the depth of the meditative state I was in. Upon conclusion, he indicated that the depth of the frequency was off the charts. Not really sure what that meant except that I had gone into a very deep meditative state.




Then, on his computer, he brought up an image, ensuring that the computer was turned away from me so that I could not see the image on his screen.




My task was to describe the image on his computer screen and the tone and the energy surrounding this image, What I “saw’ was a tower like structure, flat land surrounded by mountains and-greenery throughout. What was most palpable was the energy of fear and morbidity that I picked up. My immediate reaction was to “escape” and return to my current surroundings but as I had committed to see this through, I persevered. The energy was ominous and I felt “death” all around. It felt as though person/s were hiding for their lives and I felt the thunderous sounds of men stomping upon the land. 




The picture on my guide’s computer screen was a tower surrounded by a graveyard with mountains and flat land surrounding the tower which had been built many many centuries before. Based on its history, it was the scene where marauders ravaged the land and those who were being hunted ran for cover to the tower. The sense of fear and death was so palpable that it felt as though I was experiencing the actual emotions of yesteryear in the here and now. For all intents and purposes, I was THERE. For this reason, I had an immediate overwhelming desire to “escape” the scene.




My “experience” departed from the “normal” remote viewing experience in that I was not just viewing what my guide saw on his screen in present time but I was immersed in the sensory experience of what had taken place centuries before. I had, effectively, gone back in time.




What this experience suggested to me when I experienced it about five years ago is that the past, present and future are actually occurring at the same time. Therefore, our construct of “time” needs to be reevaluated




Then I discovered the block universe theory at this writing on 2/23/21 which postulates that (see aconitia/news/science…)



“…, the universe is a giant block of all the things that ever happen at any time and at any place. On this view, the past, present and future all exist — and are equally real.





“If time is just another dimension, a lot like the spatial dimensions, does that mean we can travel in time? The short answer is yes.”




Albert Einstein had this to say about the construct of time related to the past, present and future:




“People like us who believe in physics know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion. Time, in other words, he said, is an illusion. Many physicists since have shared this view, that true reality is timeless.”




To put it yet another way, the earlier reference to the Akashic records as well as the Jewish held belief that the words, thoughts, deeds and actions of all our lives are “recorded”, also appears to validate and be validated by the block universe theory as well as Einstein’s position on the simultaneous existence of the past, present and future. While each of the described perspectives reference the co-existence of the past, present and future, albeit from their own perspectives., is there a common thread that can link all the beliefs about the simultaneous existence of the past, present and future?




Finally, as I write about the past, present and future coexisting at one time, the following formula appeared on my computer screen, on its own,



A= π r2



If there is a key on my laptop with the pi symbol which is the symbol after the equal sign, it is well hidden and not easily accessible. I went online to see if I could bring it up on my laptop. This required two to three steps but they all failed. I could not willfully bring up the pie symbol yet somehow in the course of my writing the above, this formula popped up, seemingly, all by itself and not just the pi symbol but the entire formula.




Being neither a physicist nor mathematician, I looked up the formula online and at first blush, it refers to the formula for determining the area of a circle by calculating the number of squares that can fit into a given circle.





So, what does this seemingly simplistic formula have to do with the past, present and future and our construct of time? The search for this answer led me down a rabbit hole, so to speak, and what I “received” boggled the mind for it returned me to the original state of doubting information coming through me.





There were times that my, limited human mind would question the information coming through with regard to the medical intuitive side of my activities. As in the example of a young girl in her late teens who presented with serious uterine and ovarian issues. Due to her young age, my mind believed that the information I received about her could not be right. I forced myself to overrule my mind and simply shared what I had received despite my inner resistance. She not only validated the messages I received but impressed upon me the gravity of her situation and  that she had been having extensive medical testing and evaluations performed .I finally learned to ignore my mind and simply allow the information to come through no matter how unlikely my human mind might perceive the information to be .After a time, I learned more and more not to question and resist the information I was receiving because I came to understand, trust and know that it was coming from a power and source that was outside of me ;that I had nothing to do with it and that it was untied to my limited human mind.




The resistance I overcame related largely to the medical intuitive information I received.




Now, I have been faced with another dilemma unrelated to the medical intuitive information coming through. Once again, my mind resisted what I received as regards the above formula for degerming the area of a circle and its relationship to the construct of time. I thought seriously about not writing about it at all. For me to postulate about matters of physics which are way beyond my educational capacity and scope seemed preposterous but here it goes. Once again, I will over rule my mind’s resistance.




The information I received as related to the simple formula A= π r2




is as follows; the past, present and future exists in a time loop (like a circle). There is no beginning, middle or end to this “time loop”. Therefore, we can access any point in the “time loop” once we find the right point and access the portal.




Somehow, when I “viewed” the picture my guide was looking at from across the room, which contained ancient aged structures, I unknowingly found the portal that took me back in time where the horrors were occurring and being experienced while I was in present time because all time exists at” the same time”. It is a continuum.




This is the information I “received” but there is another aspect to the formula and that is the “squares within the circle which enable one to calculate the “area” of a circle. At this time, I have as yet to receive information related to this but I can postulate by asking a question. Can these “squares” within the loop or circle be related to the lives of each soul?










On eve of Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year), due to covid, I attended a zoom service. I followed the service, as I normally do, and at one sudden point, tears spilled uncontrollably from my eyes. My eyes were pools of water as the tears washed over my face. This continued for some time and along with this, I received the message that my soul was crying for all of humankind and mankind.




After the service ended, I started thinking about the message I had received at the time my eyes spilled forth streams of tears. The message talked about human kind and mankind. . I didn't understand what the distinction was between the two. I thought they were the same so I looked it up. This is what the research indicated:




 It appears as though, when Hashem created Adam, Adam represented the first human who had connected to and had a bond and relationship with Shamone could say he had a G-d mind.




After Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge, they were expelled from the garden of Eden, and then became mankind. In other words, they became separated from G-d. and no longer one with G-d as they had previously been. This definition appears also to be supported by the following definition found in




Meaning of Hu in word Human :Human equates to G-d mind 




Hu = G-d 




Man = Mind 
 indicates that hu is a name for G-d in the Eckankar religion. If Adam and Eve were indeed “one with G-d” in which they “had a G-d mind”, then the hu man Adam was a “G-d man” prior to the expulsion and this definition fits.




 In today's day and age there may be G-d men (or women) who are truly and deeply connected to Hashem although their numbers are probably few, if they even exist.




The vast majority of us represent mankind after the expulsion from the garden of Eden. I have now understood that the river of tears I shed was for the retribution that lies around the corner. Covid was a prelude to the unimaginable events that are forth coming, as I shall describe shortly. Perhaps the tears were not just tears of sorrow for the anguish that was to befall mankind but a cry from my soul asking our beloved Hashem to lessen the verdict.








This is the day of judgment and atonement for those of the Jewish faith. Once again, I participated in the services via zoom. I was deep in prayer from about 10 AM to 6 PM. At one point while I was in the depths of my payer, I had a vision.




I saw a pristine white lacelike fabric. Except it wasn’t fabric but what light would look like if it solidified. “Embroidered “in the “lace” or the solidified white light, was a seated king in full regalia. The background was an ornate almost paisley like motif which was middle eastern in feel, The king was seated on an intricately carved throne and was wearing ornamental flowing robes. Bear in mind, the entire image was in pure white, as if it were solidified white light.










Some nine to ten plus years ago, I was driving on the highway in Virginia. While driving, I looked up at the sky and noticed what appeared to be a hand. I had an old cell phone and did my best to take a picture of this distant image while driving. Then suddenly at that very moment, the highway traffic came to a dead stop. I walked out of the car and took a picture after which the highway traffic resumed its full speed.




Yom Kippur 2021 ended the evening of Thursday September 16,2021.On Friday (or there about),I was rummaging through my papers and out popped a picture of the photograph I had taken some 9-10 years ago.




Here is what makes this really interesting.




When I took the picture in broad daylight on my old phone, I remember desperately wanting a print of the phone, I had not gotten to the point of attaching pictures via email yet. My computer skills were poor, at best, as was my computer. I just couldn’t figure out how to print this pic from my old phone.




I have over the years kept my phones so that I could refer to my old contacts. About two years ago, I opened my very old phone for that purpose and came across the pic of The Hand. I lamented the fact that I couldn’t print this pic from this ancient phone and forgot about it.




Then, beyond my wildest imaginations, this print appeared within a day or so of the holiest day of the Jewish year, Yom Kippur 2021.In addition, here are other anomalies regarding this pic.




It was taken in broad daylight. However, the photo shows a very deep luminescent sapphire like sky which creates enormous contrast between the hand and the fire. emanating from the hand. This is a completely unretouched photo and the way it appears creates the maximum effect and contrast that I had nothing to do with. It happened completely without human intervention of any kind.




Further, the hand appeared in the stratosphere, way up in the very distant sky. Not only was my little nine/ten-year-old cellphone not up to the task but even today’s sophisticated cellphone camera can barely take a discernible photograph of something that's that far away. I've taken other pictures with my current high tech cell camera, e.g., a picture of the moon. The moon is barely discernible in the photos and looks like a dot in the sky even though it is as large as life with the naked eye. This is yet another basis for how extraordinary this photograph is.




 To summarize we have a series of events that make this photograph extraordinary. 





The fact that a the very moment I was attempting to take this picture on a fast-moving highway, the entire highway stopped dead in its tracks and enabled me to get out of the car and take the photograph. 




The fact that the photograph was taken in broad daylight and yet it appears in a deep sapphire like sky which significantly enhances its imagery.




The fact that the image is so unbelievably high in the sky that not even a current technologically advanced cell camera would likely be able to take a viable photograph from such a great distance.




Finally, the fact that this print appeared without my having any discernable way of having ever printed it from my age-old camera phone.




 Some would say that I had forgotten about having printed it and I certainly wouldn't rule this out but based on everything I have described, the fact that I so badly wanted a print of this image, The fact that Email attachments had not come into being as yet, the fact that neither my computer nor my skill set enabled this and yet the image of the hand appeared in my hand at this moment in time.




 Why did it appear now? Why was it waiting for this moment and what was the message?




 As I looked at the photograph, the 1st thing that struck me was that this was the Hand of    G - d. The other thing that struck me was that our creator was guiding our eye with the left hand from which a fire emanated that appeared to engulf a being, perhaps a soul.




 I believe the reason for this has to do with the fact that our entire Judeo-Christian foundation is crumbling before our eyes. The entire concept of God is being eradicated and atheism is permeating the very core of our civilization. Denial of our creator and the tenants of our creators’ mandates are being eradicated more than ever.

It was with instant recognition that this was the hand of retribution. Look closely and you will see that it is the LEFt hand shown.




My son suggested that I look at Kabbalah in attempting to understand this image of the left hand. Kabbalah did indeed reference the left hand of G*D which it indicated is represented by judgment and is known as Gevurah. Guevara is symbolized by fire and the color red. These are precisely the images in the Hand picture. Fire is emanating from the left hand and the photo is consumed by the color picture. Fire this means judgment and retribution. We are in a time of judgment and it is anyone's guess what may be fall us. Covid was the beginning.




The Power of the Soul, the first in my series, deals with my “awakening” as it describes my extraordinary, unworldly true-life experiences guided by my soul. The Power of the Soul, series two, will go into depth with regard to the amazing messages received to enable humanity to achieve the highest vision of their highest version. The Power of the Soul, series three, will articulate how you can implement the wisdom of the messages and experience a life flow that




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Edited by Alina of SoulSource72 with Wixsite,com

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