The Divine Manifesto
It is my soul's mission to bring light to all the Earth, to all who breathe and all that nourishes breath.
To awaken all to their divine consciousness and supreme power.
To share inspired writings and all enlightened thought , feelings and actions.
To engage in unabashed playfulness.
To reawaken the purpose of breath.
To reawaken the purpose of pain and angst and implement its divine intention.
To create an earth where fear of pain has vanished and the purity of the human vessel has been sanctified and rings with the vibrancy of purest divine love.
To give and receive love by engaging in eye contact, physical embraces, words of empowerment.
To speak with unashamed divine truth, seeking only truth.
To practice the commandments and bring them to the forefront of human consciousness.
To give healing and light without expectation.
To connect to the divine in all there is.
To attach to nothing.
To be true divine essence.
@Arline Cooper