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Hand of G-D


                   THE HAND OF G*D ?



Some ten or so years ago, I was driving on the highway in Virginia and while driving, I looked up at the sky and saw something unusual .In the stratosphere, a billowy whitish cloud in the form of a hand appeared in broad daylight. I had a current cell phone and did my best to take a picture of this extremely distant image while driving. I had the urge to exit my vehicle but the high-speed highway vanished this thought. Then, at the very moment , the fast-moving highway came to a dead halt. I walked out of the car on the highway, and took a picture after which the highway traffic resumed its full speed. It was as if the proverbial seas had parted.


Now ,let’s return to the present. I celebrate the Jewish New Year called Rosh Hashana which is followed by the day of repentance known as Yom Kippur. This year’s Yom Kippur ,2021, ended the evening of Thursday September 16, 2021.On Friday (or there about), I was rummaging through my papers and out popped a picture of the photograph I had taken some 10 years ago.


Here is what makes this really interesting.


When I took the picture in broad daylight on my technologically challenged 10-year-old phone, I remember desperately wanting a print of the photograph. Technologically, we had not gotten to the point of attaching pictures via email yet. My computer skills were poor, at best, as was my computer. I just couldn’t figure out how to print this photo from my cell phone.


I have ,over the years, kept my phones so that I could refer to my old contacts. About two years ago, I opened my very old phone for that purpose and came across the pic of The Hand. I lamented the fact that I couldn’t print this pic from this ancient phone and forgot about it.


Then, beyond my wildest imaginations, this print appeared within a day or so of the holiest day of the Jewish year, Yom Kippur 2021.In addition, here are other anomalies regarding this photo.


It was taken in broad daylight. However, the photo shows a very deep luminescent sapphire like sky which creates enormous contrast between the hand and the fire emanating from the hand. This is a completely unretouched photo and the way it appears creates the maximum effect and contrast that I had nothing to do with. It happened completely without human intervention of any kind.


Further, the hand appeared in the stratosphere, way up in the very distant sky. Not only was my little ten-year-old cellphone camera not up to the task but even today’s sophisticated cellphone camera can barely take a discernible photograph of something that's that far away. I've taken other pictures with my current “high tech” cell camera, e.g., a picture of the moon. The moon is barely discernible in the photos and looks like a dot in the sky even though it is as large as life with the naked eye. This is yet another basis for how extraordinary this photograph is.


To summarize we have a series of events that make this photograph extraordinary. 

The fact that the very moment I was attempting to take this picture ,on a fast-moving highway, the entire highway stopped dead in its tracks and enabled me to get out of the car and take the photograph while on the highway. 


The fact that the photograph was taken in broad daylight and yet it appears in a deep sapphire like sky which significantly enhances its imagery which happened without human intervention.


The fact that the image is so unbelievably high in the sky that not even a current cell camera would not be likely to take a viable photograph from such a great distance.


Finally, the fact that this print appeared without my having any discernable way of having ever printed it from my age-old camera phone.


Some would say that I had forgotten about having printed it and I certainly wouldn't rule this out but based on everything I have described, the fact that I so badly wanted a print of this image, the fact that email attachments had not come into being as yet, the fact that neither my computer nor my skill set enabled this and yet the image of the hand appeared in my hand at this moment in time.


Why did it appear now? Why was it waiting for this moment and was there a message?


To answer this question, let me first take you back to the 2021 Jewish New Year known as Rosh Hashana. I attended the service via zoom and was in prayer the entire day. What was unusual about this Rosh Hashana was that midway into my prayers, my eyes swelled with tears that ran uncontrollably down my face. They were gushing from my eyes, at some point, and I was helplessly unable to do anything about it. The tears just kept flowing. So now I will continue with my discussion about the Hand and circle back to the Rosh Hashana day of streaming tears.


When I first discovered the photograph, the 1st thing that struck me was that this was the Hand of    G - d. The other thing that struck me was that our creator was guiding our eye with the left hand from, what appeared, to me, to be a fire emanating from the Hand and engulfing a being of some sort such as a soul.


So why, at this time, would I be shown an image of G*d with what appears to be fire emanating from a hand that engulfs a being? I believe the reason for this has to do with the fact that our entire Judeo-Christian foundation is crumbling before our eyes. The entire concept of G*d is being eradicated and atheism is permeating the very core of our civilization. Denial of our creator and the tenants of our creators’ mandates are being erased before our eyes, more than ever. It was with instant recognition that this was the hand of retribution. Look closely and you will see that it is the LEFT hand.


My son suggested that I look at Kabbalah in attempting to understand this image of the left hand of G*d. Kabbalah did indeed reference the left hand of G*D which it indicated is represented by judgment and is known as Guevura. Guevara is symbolized by fire and the color red. These are precisely the images in the photo of the Hand. Fire is emanating from the left hand and the photo is consumed by the color red. To me, all this means judgment and retribution. Could this, therefore, mean that we are in a time of judgment and that covid is just the beginning?


After I had written this, it struck me that the image showed three fingers of the left hand. So, I checked to see if there was any significance to the three fingers or the number three. This is wat I discovered. According to the Jewish mystical tradition of Kabbalah;


“It is believed that the soul consists of three parts, the highest being neshama (breath),the middle being ruah (“wind or spirit”) and the lowest being nefesh (repose).”


It would appear that my first reaction to the image was that it appeared to be fire emanating from the Hand engulfing a soul. Could the three fingers of the left hand be validating that, in fact, it is the soul of mankind which is being engulfed by fire? When I focused on the number three, something within me sparked a ray hope. I didn’t know why at first. Then, it occurred to me that fire can be a transformative agent e.g., cooking a potato transforms it into an edible and delicious substance; heat applied to ice transforms it into a more usable substance; steel or iron put through the flame become more malleable and usable etc. Could this mean that after going through the flame, that  the soul of mankind  would be transformed into a more elevated entity ?There may be reason for hope. In fact according to Chabad, the number three is described as the introduction of a :


“…mediator that dissolves the conflict and creates harmony.


 As I was looking at the photo of  The Hand, another image within The Hand itself appeared. If you look closely, you will see a white dove  from the left edge of the picture moving down The Hand. Could this mean that after the winds of retribution (to whatever extent they may occur) have cleared, a final peace will come to earth ? Only time will tell.


The Jewish sages would often remark that they did not want to be alive during the period prior to the coming of the Elevated One ,otherwise known as the Messiah. Could The Hand be a sign that we have entered or are entering into the transformative, fire engulfing, phase just prior thereto ?


Now let me return to Rosh Hashana 2021.As I mentioned, I was moved from the depths of my soul to cry a river of tears but I had no idea why this was happening. Within a day or so of the Rosh Hashana event, the extraordinary photo appeared, out of the blue, some ten years after the fact. The photo crystalized the reason for my tears. I now understood that my soul was crying for the coming retribution and. perhaps on some level, at the very core of my being, was crying out begging the Holiest of Holy’s to lessen the verdict. Only time will tell what it’s message may be and to what extent and to what degree retribution may come.


If you have found the circumstances surrounding The Hand extraordinary, read on. My life has been a never-ending series of extra ordinary, other worldly, true-life events which I have collected into a journal I call The Power of the Soul, a portion of which can be found in the tab called Alina’s Story on the SoulSource72 website .My YouTube channel is SoulSource72 .See you there.






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